Thursday, September 19, 2013

What the Heck!?!

What in the heck is THIS?!

This is growing from one of my aloe pots. It seems to be part of the plant itself. I had a smaller one from the aloe a year ago or so. But this is... odd, and growing in the midst of my diseased aloe, too. (Okay, I don't know if that's actual disease making those black spots, lol. Likely something fungal though. Ewww)

I mean, I know that's what Google is for, to look this stuff up, like do aloe plants really get flowers. And I imagine I will look it up sooner rather than later. I just figured I'd toss it out here to see what other thoughts would be. Well, it's clear it's a weird flower of some sort, but just... yeah.

Here's another look at it. I mean - this is really tall!

And one more...

I apologize for the bad lighting and muddy patio. I took these the same day as the near tropical storm that almost kept me from planting my seeds, ha ha!

So - thoughts? I imagine Google will be up tomorrow again, but for tonight, it's all up to you all. Ha!

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