Sunday, September 29, 2013

Big Problems on the Little Homestead

So my next post should have been all happy smiles. And it would have been if I'd gotten it out Friday like I meant to. I mean - look at this and tell me if it's not a happy sight:

That's right! The first tomatoes from Ruby. Well, one - the other isn't quite ripe yet. And you betcha, I picked it. Again, the scale might seem off because all this stuff is little, little, little. (One of these days I'll put something as a reference so you can see the size). But there was no denying it was ripe, and BLT is on the menu for today!

But imagine my horror when I went out this morning and found not just these:

But also this!

Yes - those are bare stems! They don't look eaten (to me), but like something or someone cut off all the leaves! 

Here's another view of them. 

I just don't know what to make of this. I get that birds will eat tomatoes - but what would strip leaves like this? And bite off stems, like they've been cut? Neither of the other plants is like this either, and Ruby does still have a tomato. Nope, only Henrietta was so violated. There are still tomatoes on her, but who knows for how long. There are lizards all over the place, but none big enough to do this... I'm at a loss. 




  1. Hmm... Put a hidden camera... Is there any chance a human fiend might be wandering your property??? Just asking...

  2. I don't have one of those, lol. As for a human, they'd have to come over the 6 foot high fence, and have two large dogs barking their heads off until they were allowed outside. So... probably not one of those. But I am still completely mystified...
