Sunday, September 22, 2013

Excitement Abounds!

Looky! It's happening!

Well, sort of happening. I'm not sure how to take this. Every one of those peat cups has at least two seeds in it, some have three. And thus far it seems 4 bean seeds have sprouted up *tall*, and three squash seeds. It's only been a week, but shouldn't the whole tray be covered in little tiny green sprouts by now? 

I'm not giving up yet, however! Other than taking the lid off for this picture, I put it back, just cracked for a little ventilation as the instructions said. I suppose this means I'm going to have to have at least one hill for the squash (more research on that, to be sure). 

And some sort of trellis for the beans... Don't beans grown on bushes? How in the heck did I find the ones that have to have a trellis?! It's a sure bet I'm going to have to buy one of those, because my building skills are not yet up to snuff for that sort of thing. 

And another thing!

What is going on with my tomatoes and peppers? They are sloooowwllly getting larger, but it sure seems to be taking them a long time to get to where they are ready to picked. They need to come on! I want a BLT!!

Just sayin' 

Anyway, there's the update from the ol' homestead for now. Keep your fingers crossed!


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