Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Peppers! Get your Peppers!

And here we are! The long awaited bell pepper plant! Well, one of them. This one has actual flowers, as you can see from the picture, so I'm excited that maybe there will now be peppers, ha ha! I have also learned that they don't get as large here in South Florida as what you see in the grocery store. That definitely explains all my failures at growing them before. I kept leaving them on the plants to get bigger, which they never did. And then they would rot and I couldn't figure out why. Now, though - I'll be ready!

The other plant, with more buds. There are a *ton* of buds on these babies. A few flowers so far, so again, I'm hopeful for actual peppers this time. One plant is supposed to give orange bell peppers, and the other one yellow bell peppers. Please don't ask which is which anymore, because the little tags are gone and I don't remember. Especially after one of the dogs ate a bunch of the dirt out of one of the pots. Though, on second thought... that really should make it easier to remember, shouldn't it... *sigh*

And yet one more picture:

All of these flowers and buds are good, that's what I'm led to believe. And please don't contradict me yet if that's not the case. I don't know that I can handle being disappointed yet again in regards to bell peppers...

Thanks for looking! Let's keep our fingers crossed that these suckers earn their keep  ;-) Or you know, that I at least get my money back for the cost of the plants. That shouldn't be too hard, given the price of these veggies in the grocery. 

And I swear, I'm going to plant those seeds! I am!!

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