Saturday, January 31, 2015

Post Card Saturday!

Here we are again - Saturday already. And that means it's time for one of my awesome postcards!

We have another oldie on tap tonight. Up there, of course, you see the full front of the post card itself. And another card from Massachusetts - this time Brockton, as you can see here. It's a picture of their high school. Well, what once was their high school back in 1908. I did a search, and the pictures of it now are far more modern.

But you want to hear something odd, but in a cool way? Apparently they have eimages of this postcard and some others that you can send through email. Click Here and you can see some. And the postcard that I have is on another site, too. 

I'll be honest. I haven't done much research (or really *any, lol) on collecting post cards. I know I really, really  should, so I can figure out what all I actually have. Even this, turning up the high school and other old postcards tells me I should do it. So maybe I will!

For now, back to *this* postcard, lol. As you can see, the message to the person is on the *front*. Short and sweet since there's not much room there.

Dear B. get Mondays paper and about what I see before I come home on Sunday. 

Here's the back. Name, city, state and nothing more. Lancaster must have been much smaller way back in 1908. As you can also see, one person who was selling this card clearly thought it was worth $3.00. Not bad for one card, I reckon. Again, since I've done no research, I have no idea if that's a good price or not, lol.

Yeah... I really need to start looking stuff up...

Oh! And sometime today, this blog hit its 5000th view! Woot!


Friday, January 30, 2015

What Is It, Really?

A friend of mine came over for lunch today. Or breakfast. Or... brunch. It was really way past "brunch-time". But it was still "lunch" time. What is the cut off for all that? I really don't know, especially when there are people who eat breakfast stuff at dinner time. Honestly, I don't care for most breakfast food (other than bacon, of course, hehe). Sometimes, though, it does really hit the spot.

But we had breakfast food at late-lunchtime-ish, since my friend seems to adore pancakes, and loves them with both bacon *and* sausage. A woman after my own heart! Lol. It was yummy though. I even broke out some pumpkin and made pumpkin pancakes. And of course, used the farm animal pancake pan thingy.



Thursday, January 29, 2015

Quotable Thursday!

Back around again - Quotable Thursday! Tonight's is something I've found to be a truism, at least for me. I'm not even sure where I read it, but it's in the Quote Book, and it's still speaking to me, so there you have it. 

On to the quote, to start...

"Unless you know what you want, you can't ask for it."
Dame Emma Albani

Albani, as I just looked up, was a famous opera singer in the late 19th and early 20th century. Great how she knew this, isn't it?

Actually, I'd bet lots of people know this instinctively, but still just don't do it. My theory about that is because people don't actually know themselves as well as they'd like to believe. And most don't want to do the work to find out, because of fear or some other such useless emotion. Or some of us are just too lazy to do it, though that could go back to the fear thing.

The point is - you have to know what you want. Like, what you really want. You know what I mean. I'm not going to give a huge philosophical treatise about it all as I probably should. But I will just say this - most things are easier to get/do/have than we think. The trick is identifying them in order to even start the process by... asking. Never hurts to ask, right?

Hope you enjoyed! I'd love to hear other thoughts on this, as well, should anyone have them!


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

It Finally Happened!

Oh yes it did! Will you look at those babies! Those, my friends, are yellow squashes. I gave 'em both a tug this afternoon and they came off. They'are about the same as the smaller sized ones you get in the grocery. 

Am I excited? YES!!

After so many of my plants got sucked dry by those larvae, I finally... *Finally* got some squash. And the other small ones that are still out there are growing, and not withering. Even better  :D

Now the burning question is... how should I cook this? Suggestions? I suppose I could go straight up fried in olive oil or something, to really try it first. Or something more exotic? Really, I'd love some ideas!

And now, here's another picture of my squashes. Aren't they awesome?


Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Yes, I'll bet most of New England wishes it was summer right now. They've gotten the brunt of the winter storm, it seems, and let's all hope they stay warm and safe.

Not much in the way of the garden tonight, nor have I cooked anything spectacular, or done any embroidery. I know, I know, but I'll get on it all soon, promise! Suffice it to say that stuff is growing and I'm pleased.

Not bad for a Tuesday, eh?


Monday, January 26, 2015

A Quick Fire

One of the cool (warm?) things my mom got me for Christmas this year was a fire pit! I've wanted one for a while, and well, it does get chilly here in South Florida. Don't hate, people with snow! It's not my fault it doesn't get *that* cold here, lol.

But it does get chilly. And what's better than sitting next to a warm fire, drinking hot tea when that happens? Not much, that's what. 

Stay warm and safe, my Northern friends. 


Sunday, January 25, 2015

Don't Count Those Limes...

A few weeks ago, I showed you pictures of Jorge the lime tree in full bloom. Like, a gazillion blossoms all over him! Here's a picture of some of those flowers.

I am still hoping I get some limes out of this. I am not going to count my limes before they are grown, but take a look at this...

To me, they look like a gazillion teeny tiny limes! Now, I don't know if they will all turn into actual full size limes, but if even a few did, how cool would that be?!

Here's another picture of one. I put fertilizer all over the garden today, so hopefully that will help, too. Fingers crossed!


Saturday, January 24, 2015

Post Card Saturday!

Here we are, back again - Post Card Saturday! The moment you've all been waiting for all week, right? Ha ha! Thanks for indulging me anyway.

So that is the card at the top, of course. Another nice and historic one. If you see here, the name of the place - in Brewer's Fountain and State House, Boston, Mass. There are a lot of cards in my collection from New England. Maybe I'll get there someday...

Regardless, this is another oldie but goodie. Look at that date - 1917. And that address - yikes! You have to wonder how stuff actually got delivered. A name, a city, and a state. But it seems to have gotten somewhere back then. Let's hope Mr. Straw was the actual recipient, since he was the intended receiver, lol.

But here's the message, short and sweet:

Why hello how are you. I am good at present. Hope Homer don't miss me.
Jack of all trades

An odd message that, but it had to mean something to them at the time, of course. For now, I will add it to my growing list of mysteries, lol.



Thursday, January 22, 2015

Quotable Thursday

Here we are back around again - Quotable Thursday! A good day, Thursday, and I do love my quotes, of course. By all means, feel free to share any you might have collected if you like.  :D

Today's quote is from a children's book. I love children's books, and I credit my time working at the library for finding so many awesome ones. I even own some and do read them from time to time, share them with my students, and so on. Books are just awesome in general, of course.

So here is the quote:

The Mouse Moral:  Knowing in part may make a fine tale, but wisdom comes from seeing the whole.
 --Ed Young  Seven Blind Mice

Just in general, knowing the whole story before opening one's mouth is a good idea. And it's even more imperative now, given the 24 hour gossip feed we are all exposed to. It's been quite a few years since I read this book, but clearly even back then this quote struck a chord with me. I hope it does with you, as well.


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wonderful Wednesday!

I hate to say it, but there just isn't much going on in the garden right now. Other than, you know, garden stuff. The plants are growing, I got a handful of green beans from the plants, there are a ton of blossoms on the tomato plants. There are still squash that aren't seeming to get sucked dry... All's good. 

What I need to do is get on some embroidery! It's the aspect of this homestead experiment thingy that has been quite neglected lately. So... yeah. I'm gonna get on that. I mean it!


Monday, January 19, 2015

What Today is About

Today is a day of remembrance for one of American History's greatest ironies. A man who preached love and tolerance and peace was violently killed for it. Regardless of faith or politics or anything else, I think Martin Luther King, Jr. will be remembered for all of those. This is more than just a three day weekend, people. This is Important.


Sunday, January 18, 2015

More Veg Plants - Yay!

I know, probably not at all the most exciting types of posts, but at least it's proof that my no-dig garden sort of works, right? Haha!

Tonight I give you eggplant. 

Yep, there it is. I bought one plant a long time ago, and I'll admit it took me a while to get the thing planted. Honestly, by the time I did get it in a tub I was almost sure it wouldn't make it. But a bunch of new dirt, space, and fertilizer seemed to work wonders on it, wouldn't you agree?

Here's another picture. If you look near the bottom right, you can even see the one and only blossom the thing has gotten so far. Will it turn into eggplant? Guess we'll all have to wait and see. And if it does, I guess that means I'll have to figure out how to cook it up, right? Ha!

Tomorrow morning is gardening morning, as well, so there may be even more to see. No promises, but you just never know...


Saturday, January 17, 2015

Post Card Saturday!

Heck yeah, it is - Post Card Saturday! Got another oldie here, and it does have an air of mystery, thanks to a tear on the back. But as you see from the front, it's a card from Boston.

Here's the close up of the location:

And the back. As you see, it still has the stamp, which many do not. The postmark - 1928. And you can see the tear on the side that cuts off part of the address. My guess is that it was pasted in an album and got torn out. 

Here's the message. short but sweet...

Down here for a couple of days.

Now... if Boston is "down here", then there aren't too many places that this Rachel could be from, and is possibly sending the card to. Maybe, lol. Another of those mysteries, I guess. 

So there you have it - Post Card Saturday for this week.


Thursday, January 15, 2015

Quotable Thursday!

Oh yeah, it is! Quotable Thursday is upon us once more. Or me, rather, since I've set myself this task of blogging, and having features on said blog... lol.

Tonight's quote is of a more humorous nature than some, or rather, many of the ones I have in my book, haha! I enjoyed this author for a while and may pick her up again one of these days. Yeah, add to the list of books and authors that is a mile long already...

So on with it already, I am almost sure I can hear you saying  :D

"The ability to make incredible fools of ourselves is what sets humanity apart from the animals.
       -Dorothy Cannell  Down the Garden Path

This quote is from a mystery series whose main character is Ellie Haskell. I could seriously relate to her when I first read the first book. Liked it enough I read several more.

Now... given all the videos of cats doing crazy things, dog shaming, and the like, one might be inclined to disagree. But if you think about it - the dogs and cats don't really care all that much. It's the people who do. I'm not saying those videos aren't funny! They are and I've watched my share of them. But the cats are still cool throughout...

However, I'm sure we can all identify with this idea, even if we won't admit it. I will absolutely own up to it. I make a fool of myself on a regular basis. The difference, I have found, is that I am now of an age I don't really care all that much anymore. Oh sure, something huge and I would be embarrassed, but what I've discovered in my experience is that worrying about others is pointless. In fact, most people probably aren't even aware enough of your existence to notice if you trip up the stairs or spill Coke on your shirt, or any of those little things people worry about.

Worry about the big things. 

So there you are, my little piece of recycled wisdom for you, embodied in the words of someone else, lol. Enjoy!


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

More Newness!

You ever have one of those days where you just keep going steadily along and before you know it, you're dragging and it's past your bedtime? Yeah, me too. And yesterday was one. Sorry I missed getting this up here last night.

But - will ya' take a look at that? If you can't tell from that picture, that is yellow squash. There are too many plants in that one tub, but well... lol.

And before you say it - yes. Yes, I know I have had no luck with yellow squash before. It gets all big and pretty and then starts to wither and look like it's been sucked dry. If you've been following for a while, then you recall I was told by Someone Who Knows that that happened because some butterfly was laying their eggs in the blossoms and the larvae did it. And that the only organic recourse I had was to open each bud on the plant and pull out the larvae with tweezers. 

To which my response was, "Not just NO, but HECK NO." Or you know, something along those lines. ;-)

I had given up on having squash. Until I went to that Green Fair a few months ago. I was talking to someone about my problem and she said go to Lowe's or Home Depot and get bug spray.


Here's another picture just because it's so dang cool  :D
Organic it is not. But I don't care, I'll be honest. And a few days ago, I hosed down the whole garden with this bug spray. Of course I would love to stick to strictly organic, but if you also recall, the only reason I talked myself into trying this garden thing out was to see if I could do it with little to no work. (Yes I know. Don't judge me, lol).

I'm going to spray everything again this weekend. Add some osmocote, too. And well, I guess I'll see what I see. And of course, it will all be here, whether you're interested or not, ha!


Monday, January 12, 2015

New New New!

Yesterday I hinted at some garden updates, and I know all two of you have been waiting with baited breath to hear about them, haha! So here is the first:

New Pepper Plant!

The *new* new pepper plant. I've bought a couple between the time one of the old ones died and this one, but none of them made it. Neither did any of the seeds I planted.

But would ya' look at that up there? Yep, that's a little bell pepper growing on the little pepper plant!

And here's a tiny little pepper also growing on the plant. There are half a dozen more blossoms, and the plant itself looks sturdy. Keep your fingers crossed!

I don't like to think about the old pepper plant though. It's still alive, but it's seen better days. Especially as it has this mold looking stuff on it that I can't seem to get rid of. 

Here's hoping they both produce lots of awesome green peppers though!


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sunday Night Off

Because who doesn't like cake!  :D
Just taking a break tonight. I have a couple of exciting things to report about the garden, so I'll get started on those tomorrow. Hope you all had a great weekend!


Saturday, January 10, 2015

Post Card Saturday!

As promised, a post card that was sent actually to *me*! Got this one at Christmas time, and it's a beaut! Handmade by a friend of mine even. I wasn't expecting that, but how cool?!

So that's the front, of course. Here's the back. It was done on heavy paper on top of heavy paper, and the post office actually sent it and everything.

Here's where it says she made it... She's a talented one, for sure!

Hope you enjoyed it as much as I've been enjoying it. That's a keeper right there, going in the book and everything.


Friday, January 9, 2015

Woot! Friday!

Yes... yes it is - Friday! I love having a job that is Monday through Friday. I know it's not possible for everyone, and I suspect I'll be working on weekends soon. But for now, I am enjoying Friday nights!


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Quotable Thursday!

Here we are again already - Quotable Thursday! Which also means it's almost Friday  :D

But on to Quotable Thursday *ahem*. 

Today's quote is one of my favorites of all time, by one of my favorite authors. It's one I wish more people would take to heart, because there are a *lot* of self-absorbed people out there who don't feel they have to do anything but complain about their lives. They take no responsibility for the state his or her life is in at the moment, just blame society, other people, you name it. 

You know the kind of people I'm talking about. This quote is for them.

"All Uncle Larry is saying is that individuals have to accept responsibility for their own bad choices. If every time we choose a turd, society, at great expense, simply allows us to redeem it for a pepperoni, then not only will we never learn to make smart choices, we will also surrender the freedom to choose, because a choice without consequences is no choice at all."

--Tom Robbins  Half Asleep In Frog Pajamas

Yep, Uncle Larry, I couldn't agree more. I've been victim to my own bad choices, and yep, I've complained about 'em. But I've cut back on that, and working to not complain about it at all. That's called being a grown up. Own up to what you did or didn't do, apologize if you can, and learn from it.

Feel free to disagree, of course, but hopefully it at least gave you a little something to think about.


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Early Night

Just feeling a little under the weather tonight, so just a quickie to say so. The weather is supposed to change a bit this weekend, so that will likely bring some fun happenings from outside. Let's hope, right? 


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Three Kings Day, Or... How I Got a Baby

There is a student where I work who is from Mexico. She's super nice, fun... and came in today with that cake/bread thing you see there. Doesn't it look yummy? 

She told us all that in Mexico this is a tradition on Three Kings Day. Someone brings the rosca de reyes (Kings' cake). Inside, there is a plastic baby Jesus, or according to this student - three of them. The people who find one of the babies then are supposed to bring food for a party on February 2nd. 

It took me four tries, forced... er... "encouraged" by some of the students until I found one of the babies, Yeah... (I think they really like my cooking, lol.) Here's my baby. I put a quarter next to him so you can see the size we're talking about. 

Now, I hadn't heard anything before about this particular celebration, but I thought it was pretty cool. If you'd like to know more, Here is a link to a site about it. Much more information than I've just given you, in fact. Like I said, I thought it was pretty neat.

The burning question, of course, is what am I going to bring February 2nd? I've been told the food is supposed to be tamales and chocolate. But I'm thinking myself and the other teacher and the student (who is not Mexican) who got one of the babies should bring food from our own heritage. I guess I'll get that cleared tomorrow... lol.

So there you go - how I got a baby!


Monday, January 5, 2015

A Girl's Gotta Eat...

Another mild cooking adventure the other day. I was craving, I'll admit it, Hamburger Helper. I don't know why, but I was. Of course, there was none to be had in the house, so I started going through my recipe box. You know, a wooden box with recipes in it, not a file you create on a cooking site, lol.

The above is what came of it all. It's called Hamburger / Spaghetti Casserole. It's rather plain, probably something out of a magazine or something sometime, but I jazzed it up as much as I was able. Here's the recipe, yes, in my own handwriting from years ago. I copied some things from my mom's recipe box when I started my own.

Look at the top right corner - see that? That says "V. Hobart"? That's short for Vi Hobart, this little old lady who used to live next door to us. When I was a kid, a real kid, like kindergarten age. She was older and I called her Grandma Hobart. Apparently this was her recipe, because in my family, anything like this you get from someone is noted on the recipe card. Most of my cards have names on them, in fact.

Anyway, this is pretty plain, but good solid food, I guess. Of course, I didn't make it exactly like this. What I added (more than changed anything, lol).

1. I cooked the onion and green pepper with the ground beef, not add it after. I also added parsley, pepper and basil to the cooking ground beef.
2. I used cream of onion soup rather than mushroom (no mushrooms here, thank you very much!).
3. Added a little milk and tomato sauce, since it sure didn't seem like it would be enough "juice".
4.  I probably added more cheese than anyone meant, because I'm a cheesy person and I really, really love cheese, lol.

Here's the casserole after:

It was pretty good. Nothing fancy, mind you, and there are probably all sorts of ways to play with it even more. But it did the trick and I was happy. That's what matters, right?


Saturday, January 3, 2015

Post Card Saturday

That time again - already! Post Card Saturday! Got another oldie tonight. One of these days I need to go through them all again, and put them oldest to youngest. And next week maybe one from my own collection, post cards sent to me. We'll see how the mood strikes, lol.

Here is the back. As you see, there is a message, address with no zip code. The stamp is still there, which so many of them aren't. 

And a close up of the postmark date:

Here's the message, written in pencil. It's surprising how many of these things are written in pencil, lol.

Lockridge, Ia.
Nov. 22, 09
Dear Ruth, 
We are all well and hhope your [sic] the same. will write later

No name or anything, just that. Still, it's a nice postcard of the Swiss Alps. Given that the blurb is in English, there's no knowing if the card came from overseas or not, though I don't know why American post card publishers would make those. There may be a reason, of course, lol.

So there you have it - Post Card Saturday. On Saturday even!


Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy Friday!

So I found this book at the library book sale. For those of you who don't know, I worked for the public library in Memphis for almost ten years. And they, like where I currently live, have a *huge* book sale every year. It's run by the Friends of the Library, and staffed by volunteers. All the money goes back to the Public Library, who, trust me, needs every penny it can get. But that's a post for another time.

The post for tonight is this one. That I want to work my way through this book. Now, doing the math, to try every single recipe in a year, I'd have to average 4 shots per night. Per night! So of course, that's not happening, lol. And considering that the majority of the Happy Hours I indulge in are on Fridays...

You can see the problem here, I am sure. It might take me a looooonnnng time to work my way through this book. A *long* time. I am undaunted, however. I plan to start on this next Friday. The burning question - start at the beginning of the book and go systematically through, or do it randomly and mark the ones tried?

Decisions, decisions, lol. Have an amazing 2015! 


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Quotable Thursday - New Year's Edition

Happy New Year, indeed! Everyone ready to write 2015 instead of 2014? Ha Ha!

In the meantime, it is Quotable Thursday! I see all the things on Facebook, and looked up New Year's Quotes, and they are all about inspiration, starting afresh, all that good stuff we're supposed to do today. And I flipped through my quote book, looking for something inspirational, figuring that if I wrote it there, it inspired me at one point, right?

I found a couple of things, but decided finally on one from my quote book and one I found online. After all, these actually reflect my personality, I think. Hopefully they do something for you, too.

The first is from my quote book, and is still pretty well known:

"Be who are are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." 

The late, great Dr. Seuss (one of my faves if last week didn't clue you in, lol.) Though upon further research, I read that this is often attributed to him, but someone named Bernard M. Baruch actually said it. Interesting... I learned something today, lol. It's still a great quote though, don't you think? One of those truisms we should all remember.

And the second I found today, and I like it enough it's actually going in the book:

"If you want an interesting party sometime, combine cocktails and a fresh box of crayons for everyone."   

This one is Robert FulghumI've read a few of his books, and I enjoy them, though I know he's not for everyone. But hey, how can you go wrong with a quote like that? I think I'm going to try it next time I have a party, haha!

So I hope you enjoyed those quotes here on Quotable Thursday. And look at that - just like that, tomorrow is Friday already!
