Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Out With the Old, In With the New?

Yes, that seems to be the case, and we have no choice, haha! It's New Year's Eve, of course. And tomorrow is the day we are all supposed to start over and try a new tack. It's a great idea, of course, though I generally don't make resolutions. Well, I make ones I can keep, like I resolve not to eat brussels sprouts. It's easy enough since I don't care for them, lol.

Regardless - have fun tonight, whatever your plans! Be safe, too. You need to be around for next year! 

So here's wishing you a fun and safe holiday evening, and tomorrow will be a new day - and a  New Year.


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Tomatoes... Tomatoes...

As promised, tomato update! Take a look at all those blossoms. These are the golden cherry tomatoes. It's taken a while, and the tomatoes I've gotten have been really small this season. I'm hoping as more of them come in they'll get back to the normal size. Maybe I should name the plants again, like I did before...

Here's another plant full of blossoms. 

Now, here are tomatoes from the other plants. I know they aren't red yet, but what I've found is that if I don't pick them early, either snails or lizards eat holes into them. I found one green one with a hole in it already, so I went ahead and picked these. They'll ripen, of course, and this way I'll get to eat them.

So there's your tomato update. Scintillating as usual, right? Lol


Monday, December 29, 2014

Not *Quite* Done, It Seems...

So I hadn't realized, until Mom pointed it out, that bean plants get spent. There's only so many beans they'll give and they won't keep on giving beans. I feel like I should have known that, but for whatever reason, that fact hadn't taken hold in my brain ever. If it had, I'd have re-planted beans last year more than I did.

Be that as it may, Mom and I were pretty sure the bean plants I had were coming to that point. We planted some more and stuff, but I hadn't ever gotten rid of the other plants. They kept giving a few beans here and there, you see. 

Well, if you can't tell what I found a week ago or so by the pictures here, I'll tell you. Blossoms! Heck yeah! Those old plants have been full of blossoms and giving beans again for the past couple of weeks. The new plants aren't big enough, but these things are adding up. I may be able to freeze some eventually after all. Wouldn't that be awesome?

And here's one just to show you what I got a couple of days ago. That's enough for a meal right there, especially with the others over the past week. 

So all is picking up on the ol' faux homestead. Tomorrow - Tomatoes! Tee hee!


Sunday, December 28, 2014

Quiet Sunday

I went to the birthday party today of a one year old. It was amazingly cute, of course, and I enjoyed it immensely. And I'll be honest, that's about as much excitement as I can handle right now - ha! Christmas was mild but enjoyable, and New Year's Eve is coming. I just like the quiet in between, however. 

There is a little bit of a garden update that I'll get to tomorrow. I just hope everyone had the kind of Sunday they wanted as we all gear up for this new week, and New Year.


Saturday, December 27, 2014

Post Card Saturday!

Here we are again - Post Card Saturday! And this is the last of the Christmas post cards I have, as well. So next week, new year, new post card, lol.

This one is pretty, though there's no message. Just a name in faded pencil. But it was addressed, and was mailed as you can see here from the back.

A close up of the postmark shows the card was sent in 1922, so maybe that was still a time people didn't write much on them. I don't know though, if there was all that blank space, I think I'd put something on it, lol. 

Yes, I know. I need to do some basic research on post card history. I'll add it to my list of stuff to get to next year - ha!

Hope you enjoyed this in the meantime. Another next week!


Friday, December 26, 2014

Happy Day After Christmas!

It also happens to be Friday, too - how cool is that? I hope Santa Claus was very good to everyone. And enjoy this last Friday of the year at least. Hard to believe we're there already - the New Year is coming fast, fast, fast! Have plans yet?


Thursday, December 25, 2014

Quotable Thursday - Christmas Edition

Merry Christmas! To those that celebrate Christmas, of course. And Happy Holiday-of-Your-Choice, if not. It's been a great day here, but more on that another time. Right now, it's Quotable Thursday! And in the spirit of the holiday, I have a couple from one of my all time holiday favorites - How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

I've probably watched that animated cartoon 40 times or more, because it came on TV every year and I watched it faithfully for the longest time. I own it on DVD, as well, so if I miss it on TV, I can watch it. Yes, I have the book, too, and have read it multiple times. But to me, it will always be heard in that Boris Karloff voice that just makes it for me.

So a quote from the beginning, outlining the Grinch's thoughts, hehe:

"I must stop this *whole* thing! Why, for fifty-three years I've put up with it now. I must stop Christmas from coming... but how?"

If you haven't read the book or seen the cartoon, please, please do. They are wonderful memories for me, and just plain fun regardless of your age.

The Grinch, as we know, carries out his dastardly plan, but then discovers the true meaning of Christmas. The Narrator sums it up perfectly at the end...

"Welcome, Christmas, bring your cheer. Cheer to all Whos far and near. Christmas Day is in our grasp, so long as we have hands to clasp. Christmas Day will always be just as long as we have we. Welcome Christmas while we stand, heart to heart, and hand in hand."

I hope you had a wonderful, magical day! Keep safe and enjoy the rest of the season.


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas Eve!

That's right, it's almost here! The stockings are hung, the Christmas breakfast casserole is made, and all that's left is for Santa to make his appearance. Hope you all have a safe and Happy holiday. And get some cool goodies, too, of course.


Merry Christmas Eve... Eve

Yep, it is. The holiday is almost upon us! Excited kids are dancing around, parents are trying to keep them amused and out of their hair... At least, that's how it usually went for me as a kid. Hope everything is up to snuff and going according to plan. I'm about as caught up as I'll ever be, lol.

Take it easy, and more tomorrow.


Monday, December 22, 2014

Yum Yum Yum Yum

You guessed it - more cooking tonight! And it was goooood.  :D  What was served up, you may wonder. And clearly I am going to tell you if you wonder or not - ha! (Like the picture doesn't give it away, lol.)

If you can't tell from the recipe up there - Chicken Corn Chowder. It's from a cookbook I've had for years. Actually, my mom had it for years, and I told her I'd buy her a new one if I could have the old one. After all, that's the one with all my recipes "marked" by pages that have been splashed on and such, haha! Well, she made the deal. I don't know if she ever uses the new cookbook, but I use my old one all the time.

Oh! The title, lol. The  L. L. Bean Book of New New England Cookery

Of course, I made a few changes to the recipe, lol. First - I doubled it. Gotta have some to freeze, dontcha know. Second - no celery! Yuck! (Don't hate, celery lovers. It leaves a horrible aftertaste in my mouth I can't get rid of for hours.). Third - I used cream, no milk. And Fourth - I used turkey instead of chicken. I happen to have quite a bit of turkey, lol.

Here it is once the herbs have been added. Fresh parsley from the garden, of course!

And here's the final product. I even hauled out my bread maker to make fresh "homemade" bread, wheat bread, of course. It was yummy too, but not near what the soup is.

So more for tomorrow, then even more for the freezer. See how easy that is?


Sunday, December 21, 2014

O' Christmas Tree...

Herschel Before
You may recall last year's Christmas tree debacle. If not, go Here and read all about it, ha ha!

This year, I was going to stick to the artificial tree I have. It's a bit older, and definitely a little big for the space I have, but it looks pretty decent when decorated. 

Only Santa's helper kept griping and moaning about having to put it up. As usual. This is an ongoing complaint, mind you. So I said to either be quiet, or go to the store and get one of the small ones I'd seen there. What I remembered was that they seemed nearly as tall as I am (5' 2") and would be a nice size for the living room.

Well, I remembered wrong. They were *tiny*, but one was fetched back anyway. And the poor thing was sooo dry, needles coming off all over the place. The novice Christmas tree picker might think he's getting out of it again, but oh no! That's not happening, lol.

Regardless, here was this sort of Charlie Brown Christmas tree. But Herschel (for that is his name), turned out pretty nicely regardless, don't you think? 'Course, he's on top of some ottomans I had so he's actually, you know, visible, lol. 

So once again, a tree story for the ages! Or at least, for this year, lol.


Saturday, December 20, 2014

Post Card Saturday!

It is, once again - Post Card Saturday! Whoo hoo! And as promised last week, I have another Christmas post card this week, as can clearly be seen in the picture.

What is different is the writing on the front. That only happens with the older cards, I've found, the address supposedly taking up all the back I guess. Here is a close up of the writing. And it says, "From your darling little Daughter. Elsie."

And here is the back - you can see what I mean. Nothing but address, though there is an actual address, still sans zip code, however.

Close up of the date - 1906! Yep, one of the oldest in the collection I have. It still has the stamp, too, which I find I like.

There you have it - another Post Card Saturday. Hopefully you all are done with shopping and the like, ready to settle down and have a nice holiday! No? Well, I'm still getting there myself, ha!


Friday, December 19, 2014

Friday! Woot!

The most excellent flask ever!
Heck yeah, it is! Friday before Christmas! Hope you all are having an excellent time of it. I'm almost... *almost* done with shopping. Guess I need to steel myself tonight to face the crowds, haha! Hope everyone is enjoying their start to the weekend.


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Quotable Thursday!

Here we are again, the second installment of my new feature - Quotable Thursday! This is where I choose a quote from my collection and share it with the world. Or all two of you who actually read this, ha ha!

One good thing I'm already noticing about this is that now I am going to at least flip through my quote book every week. Usually I don't look at it that often, but it's nice to be reminded. Some struck me at certain points of my life because of what I was going through, others are just timeless, at least to me. 

So on with the quote, right? Lol. 

"I am by now completely convinced that my downfall in life is going to be my inability to achieve computer nirvana like a true hacker or hackette."  Douglas Copeland  Shampoo Planet

This is one that feels far too true far too often. I could use my age as an excuse, but there are plenty of people my age who can work over those machines like nobody's business. Me... Well, technology hates me. I have witnesses to this, too, lol. 

And actually, I have another one along these lines, which goes to show you that I've been having computer issues for a loooonng, time, haha! So already - bonus quote!

"So computers are the tool of the Devil? thought Newt. He had no problem believing it. Computers had to be the work of somebody, and all he knew for certain was that it definitely wasn't him."  Neil Gaimon and Terry Pratchett  Good Omens

In other words, here is just a taste of my frustration when it comes to computers. They are great tools and I use them all the time. But technology hates me... Never works the same way all the time. At least, not for me, lol.

Hope you enjoyed these quotes. Feel free to comment, or even leave some quotes of your own! I love to know what strikes people enough to keep it around. 


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

First "Real" Tomato Harvest of the Season

That's right - I am finally starting to get some tomatoes in number. Not big numbers, mind you, lol! But more than one cherry tomato at a time. That picture there is the total over three days. I know, I know, it doesn't seem like a lot, but that's how they started last year. Slowly, slowly, then all of a sudden three tomato plants were giving me a pint of golden cherry tomatoes every other day. I gave away a bunch of them, even.

The other tomatoes plants... there are a couple of tomatoes on them, but they don't seem to actually be growing or ripening. I fertilized everyone Sunday, so here's hoping they perk up and will give some tomatoes, too. 

But there's a quick update for you. Hope everyone isn't *too* busy right now, haha! 


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Looonng Day!

'Tis the season, right? Haha! Had some running around to do after work that took four times longer than it should have. Had to do some stuff around the ol' homestead, and now - I'm wiped out, lol. More tomorrow when I'm not about to fall over asleep.

I hope everyone else has things under control, haha!


Sunday, December 14, 2014

Cookies Galore!

For the past however many years, I've had this self-imposed tradition to make Christmas cookies. It actually started a few years ago when I was going to my sister's for Christmas. I made cookies, thinking it would be something fun for my nephews to decorate them.

Not a cookie was decorated. We all just ate 'em. They are pretty good, especially for sugar cookies. Here is the recipe I use. Clearly, my cookies don't look nearly as good as the pictures people post, lol. But man are they yummy!

Point being, I just got into making cookies every year. And they get frosted, as did these. For some reason, the frosting was super soft this year, but I'm hoping it sets up overnight. And for those who'd like to know...

My mom's buttercream frosting recipe:

1 stick of butter
1 capful of vanilla (use cap of vanilla bottle)
powdered sugar

(No, there are no measurements on the last two because you just keep going until you have all the frosting you need.)

With a mixer on high, whip that butter. Mom says to do it a *lot* because the more it's whipped, the better and more frosting. I'll admit my butter whipping might be a little lacking... lol.

Add the capful of vanilla and beat some more.

Then add a bunch of powdered sugar and beat it some more. Trickle in a little milk, and keep whipping/beating. Repeat and repeat and repeat with the powdered sugar and milk until you have enough frosting of the consistency you want it. Yeah, I know it's not precise. That's how I learned it growing up, so that's how I make it.

Anyway - these cookies are the result. Of course, I had to taste test them and make sure they were edible. They were.  :D

More on doin's around the house Tuesday. Tomorrow I'm gettin' my nerd on with a Hobbit marathon. All three movies in IMAX and 3D! Uh huh, that's right. Nine hours of Hobbit goodness, hehe. So I may or may not be able to post tomorrow.

In the meantime - Enjoy!


Saturday, December 13, 2014

Post Card Saturday!

That time again - Post Card Saturday!

One thing I'd noticed about all these historic postcards was that while there were half a dozen or more Easter card, there were only three Christmas postcards in the whole collection. I thought that was so strange, but also thought that maybe cards were actually being sent more than postcards. Of course, I haven't done any research on that, haha! 

Anyway, up top is the front, of course. Here's a close up of the verse on the front.

As you can see here on the back, this one was never mailed. One of these days I'll do some research, too, and see if the writing on the back can help date the blank cards, too. 

For now - enjoy! Another next week.


Friday, December 12, 2014

Fantastic Friday!

It is indeed another Fantastic Friday! Hope everyone survived your week in a good place. And more this weekend! Off to keep warm. It's freakin' cold here in South Florida, lol. 


Thursday, December 11, 2014

Quotable Thursday - New Feature!

I had a brainstorm today! Along with my awesome postcards that started as a gift from a student, this brainstorm came to me while speaking with one of my classes today. And the idea is - Quotable Thursday!

Where did this come from, you may ask. Well, you know I'm going to tell you whether you ask or not, so here goes, haha!

I've been collecting quotes for a good 20 years. So far I haven't even filled an entire blank book, but I do have some awesome quotes. One of my very best friends in the entire world gave me the idea, yes, that long ago, because she had been doing it for years already. She has a ton of filled books. 

So I started a book of my own. If I'm reading a book, article, newspaper, song lyrics, or listening to music or a movie or something... If something strikes me as really profound, hugely funny, or just totally sticks in my head, I write it down in the book. All different subjects, styles, sources. So yes, that picture is a picture of The Quote Book.

And in the spirit of Post Card Saturday, I'm starting Quotable Thursday. Today's quote might be familiar to readers of one of my favorite authors, Tom Robbins. 

"'Things do not always turn out exactly as humans expect them to,' Conch Shell reminded them." 

As mentioned, that quote is from Tom Robbins and the book I got it from is called Skinny Legs and All. One of my absolute favorites, it's hard to describe what it's about without it sounding strange. And tis quote might sound out of context a little, but only a little. I think people get it regardless. Suffice it to say, I think everyone should read it, ha! 

Hope you all liked it! I'd love, love, *love* to have some comments about the quotes I put up!


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Seeds! - Catch Up Part 6

This is the last of the catch up posts. While usually we do a lot of cooking when Mom's here, we didn't this time. Other than Thanksgiving, we really almost didn't cook at all. Well, other than the awesome sausage gravy I made.

In other words, mostly just garden stuff. Including - seeds! Several types of seeds. in fact. So here we go on the seeds...

First - Bell pepper.

I'm down to one producing plant, and I don't think it's that long for this world. I bought another, and it never did well, I don't know why. I bought another, that seems to be doing pretty well, but it's a ways off from peppers. I also figured, however, it couldn't hurt to try to grow some from seeds. As you see - so far, nada. I will say that just a few days after they were planted (and they are planted very shallow) there were several days of hard rain after. My guess is they got washed away or flooded. I'll give them a few more before I replant.

Second - Green beans.

Green beans, you ask? Don't you already have green beans? Indeed I do! However! I didn't realize that bean plants will finally wear themselves out. When my bean plants quit producing before, I assumed I had done something wrong. No, Mom said. They just have a limited life, and must be replanted. So I planted some seeds in with the other plants (that I won't feel bad about pulling up anymore, since they can go in the compost.), as well as another tub of them. The beans are growing - take a look!

And Third - Squash.

Yes, I am trying squash again. After three plantings of squash, a zucchini plant, more squash, and finally the pumpkins all went the way of the dodo bird, I swore I wasn't going to plant anymore. Then I was talking to this lady who said Heck No, you don't need to pick out butterfly larvae from the blossoms. Go to Lowe's or Home Depot and get some spray. 

No, it is not organic. Yes, I am going to use it. You are free not to eat my squash, that has come up nicely, as you can see. I'll spray it when it gets bigger and starts to get blossoms.

I hope all two of you who read this feel very enlightened now, haha! Time for another topic tomorrow!


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

"Wild" Sweet Potatoes - Catch Up Part 5

One thing Mom and I did while she was here was to empty some of the tubs that no longer had things in them, work in new dirt, and so on. That will be tomorrow's post. Today's is just... funny, or possibly bizarre, I'll leave that for you to decide.

The original haul of sweet potatoes!
As you may or may not remember, I've been growing sweet potatoes. A few months ago I finally dug them up and I got a *lot* of them. So some were eaten, and some were re-planted. I haven't dug any of them up yet.

However... as Mom and I moved one of the tubs so we could empty and refill it, a tub next to the sweet potato tub, look what we found.

Those, my friends, are sweet potatoes that were growing under the other tub. Oh yeah, they were! To say we were surprised would be an understatement. And as you may or may not be able to tell, the potatoes are still rather small. So - what to do? How about I show you...

Why yes, that is what it is, lol. A small pot full of dirt, with the little potatoes (that are still joined to the ones in the big tub, if you couldn't tell from the picture) planted in it. I have no earthly idea if they will grow or not, but considering they were growing with no dirt under a tub, I am cautiously optimistic, lol.

How's them apples? Or um... potatoes...ha!


Monday, December 8, 2014

Leaning Tree... Catch Up Part 4

So for those of you who remember, I acquired a lime tree. I named him Jorge. Last year he gave me 10 limes! How awesome is that? This year... nada. Not sure why that is, but one reason, I suspected, is that he was a little pot bound. So Mom and I tried to remedy that. This is his before picture.

Here's the huge pot we bought for him. Yes, it's leaning, lol. Otherwise, he seems to have taken the move pretty well.

And here is the reason he's leaning, which I realize now looking at the picture you can't really tell. But we got one of those plant holder thingies that's supposed to move around.. It's on wheels. (Here it just looks like it's part of the pot.) Only it seems we were too incompetent to get the wheels to stay in the bottom, lol. Mind you, it comes from IKEA and there were no directions.

Still, we set him up on it anyway, one of the wheels refused to stay in, so we leaned him up against the rest of the garden. He doesn't seem to mind.

So there you have it - one more mission accomplished during Mom's visit.


Sunday, December 7, 2014


Today's post was going to be one more in the Catch Up series. However, due to totally forgetting, haha, there is no "after" picture for what I was going to show today and tomorrow. In other words, the catch up will continue tomorrow. 

For now, rest assured that today was a little productive at least, as I got the dogs washed. Now, if you can believe it, I'm super tired. But I'm determined to watch the I Love Lucy special on TV tonight! And then... bed, lol. 

More tomorrow!


Saturday, December 6, 2014

Post Card Saturday!

I know, I know, I missed last week. It just couldn't be helped. But here we are again - Post Card Saturday! And another good one. I think so, anyway, lol.

As you see, it looks to be another vacation spot. Here's the detail,or some of it. It's Euclid Beach Park, or so says the rest of the writing on the top of the card. According to Wikipedia, "Euclid Beach Park (1895 – September 28, 1969) was a popular amusement park located on the southern shore of Lake Erie in the Collinwood neighborhood of Cleveland, Ohio.". It also says it closed in 1969. But it still functions as a park, it seems, since there's stuff listed to take place there. Maybe just the amusement park part is gone.

Anyway this card is from there. And that address - yikes! A *hotel*. The address is a name and a *hotel*, city and state. Man those people had faith in thepost office... lol.

Ayou can see on the back, this was sent some time ago - 1941. WWII was likely the cause for the postmark about buying savings bonds. Here's a close up of that.

And here's the note:

Dear Sister Fannie,
Kathryn and I are here visiting Martha - having nice time. Probably leave here Sunday afternoon.

Looks like some brother was close enough to his sister to let her know what was going on with him. That's nice, don't you think?

So there you have it - back on track with Post Card Saturday!
