Tuesday, September 17, 2013


This is a picture of one of the last Space Shuttle launches. This one took off from Kennedy Space Center in FL, in 2009. The last shuttle ever took off in 2011.

Once again, I am struck by the oddness of things that inspire me. Or maybe "variety" is a better word. I was able to go to this launch because my mother paid for my ticket as my birthday present that year. I went with my sister and her twin boys, and this was one of THE most amazing sights I've ever seen. (Once upon a time, I was going to be an astronaut by the way. My complete inability to do higher math pretty much put a stop to that.)

This picture reminds me of my mother. Just like the smack in the face I had the other day as I was planting my whole one tray of seeds. There I was in my dirty t-shirt, shuffling around in my flip flops, and realized I was getting more like my mother every day. 

That is absolutely not a bad thing! My mother is awesome and anyone who knows her will tell you that. Seriously - my friends used to invite her to all the parties they invited me to! (Ask me sometime about her nickname of "The Beer Wench")

And there's more...

But what it forced me to realize is that I am, ostensibly, a grown up. And that life is short. And that my awesomely cool mother both paid for my tattoo *and* my skydiving excursion (gotta love birthday money! tee hee). And she is also one of the biggest savers I know, managing to make things last longer than they ever should, go farther than would be expected. I have my freezer because of her, and that's one of the best purchases *ever*. I could go on and on...

But it's all part of what I'm doing, or trying to. Getting back to my roots, the ones given me by my mother and my grandmother, save, store, value, work. And at the moment, I'm actually enjoying all of that.

So thanks, Mom, for the inspiration!

(*3* peppers now, and *8* tomatoes!!)

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