Monday, March 9, 2015


One thing my sister always says is that plants *want* to grow. That is their purpose and they will do it as best they can. I think I am proving that over and over and over... lol.

Because here are some escapees, lol. If you remember, I found sweet potatoes growing under another tub (go Here to see that!). They have also moved to another tub without any assistance or even knowledge for a while, but I'll have pictures of that another day, lol.

Up top there you see some lettuce growing all on its own. Not that the lettuce I had in tubs didn't go to seed, because it did. But it's been a while, and then a few weeks ago I noticed what looked like lettuce growing in the ground. You can see now that that's just what it is.

Here's some more, with some escapee basil plants! 

Another basil in the yard. I've pulled all these basils up and put them in pots again, so I guess I'll see how that goes.

So yep, proof that plants really want to grow. Even when I'm lazy and don't do all a good gardener should, lol.


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