Monday, December 22, 2014

Yum Yum Yum Yum

You guessed it - more cooking tonight! And it was goooood.  :D  What was served up, you may wonder. And clearly I am going to tell you if you wonder or not - ha! (Like the picture doesn't give it away, lol.)

If you can't tell from the recipe up there - Chicken Corn Chowder. It's from a cookbook I've had for years. Actually, my mom had it for years, and I told her I'd buy her a new one if I could have the old one. After all, that's the one with all my recipes "marked" by pages that have been splashed on and such, haha! Well, she made the deal. I don't know if she ever uses the new cookbook, but I use my old one all the time.

Oh! The title, lol. The  L. L. Bean Book of New New England Cookery

Of course, I made a few changes to the recipe, lol. First - I doubled it. Gotta have some to freeze, dontcha know. Second - no celery! Yuck! (Don't hate, celery lovers. It leaves a horrible aftertaste in my mouth I can't get rid of for hours.). Third - I used cream, no milk. And Fourth - I used turkey instead of chicken. I happen to have quite a bit of turkey, lol.

Here it is once the herbs have been added. Fresh parsley from the garden, of course!

And here's the final product. I even hauled out my bread maker to make fresh "homemade" bread, wheat bread, of course. It was yummy too, but not near what the soup is.

So more for tomorrow, then even more for the freezer. See how easy that is?


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