Monday, August 18, 2014

Sweet Taters!

Another experiment that I couldn't resist! It was months ago, and I've been a little... anxious. Not in a bad way, but it's been super hard to keep from digging these babies up.

And according to the Borg, "Resistance is futile". (They probably weren't the first to say that.) So I stuck my hand in the dirt... just to see. I figured okay, if I found one, I'd pull it up. 

The cat food can is there for a size reference, lol.
Here is what I found.

Heck yeah - that's over two pounds of sweet potatoes! Sure, of varying sizes, and some probably shouldn't have come up yet. But I didn't know if they could be replanted like that. There was one plant that had at least 6 little potatoes on it, so I did stick that one back in the dirt to hope for the best. We'll see.

How awesome is this, though? Some to eat, and a couple of others to cut up and replant and maybe, in a few more months (seriously - it took a *long* time to grow), there will be more sweet potatoes.. And so on and so on. I'm not a sweet potato fanatic or anything, but this is one of those things in the garden that might work out, actually, lol.

I'm jazzed!


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