Saturday, November 9, 2013

Squash Crisis

Remember how exciting it all was when so many squash seeds came up? On this very blog there were pictures of two tubs full of thriving, blossom-laden squash plants.

Then... some of them started looking not so good. That prompted me to "thin" them. I pulled some out of each tub and put them in another. But - most of them still aren't doing very well and I just don't know why! The leaves are withering like they aren't getting enough water, but the dirt is always damp and they get plenty, believe me. I thought maybe it was too wet, but same thing - every time I check, the earth is a good level of damp to dry-ish.

Here are some pictures:

These are the transplanted ones. I didn't really expect them to do all that well, but it never hurts to try, right?

These are the two original tubs. The plants in the purple tub are having issues. The ones in the orange tub are "okay", but their stems/leaves are starting to do that withering thing some, too. 

So - ideas? Too wet? Not wet enough? I have more seeds. If they all die I suppose I can try again. It's good dirt - the kind for growing vegetables. Nothing appears to be eating the leaves. 

Guess all I can do is keep an eye on them unless someone has a brilliant thing to try!


1 comment:

  1. Yellow leaves mean they need fertilizer. You might want to do an internet search about the scorching.
