(Well, most of them. The stuff that's just seeds in dirt I didn't worry about pictures of those yet, lol.)
First - Tomatoes!
Here's a picture of all the freshly planted tomato plants. Three different types - An Heirloom variety I don't remember the name of, lol. The other two are hybrids for hot climates. Phoenix is one of those, but I don't remember the other either, ha ha! I'll take a look next time I'm outside.
Second - Pepper!
And this is the new pepper plant! Along with a close up of the buds on it. I'm really, really hoping it will supplement the plants, rather than... supplant (HAHA! Couldn't help myself.). One of the other plants is full of buds, too, and the one I broke is hangin' in there. So keep your fingers crossed.
Bud Close Up |
Third - Basil!
These are the replanted and repotted basil plants. One per pot, all healthy so far. Still didn't get the other stuff cleaned up yet, and I'm going to root some purple basil to go along with these. But aren't they cute, all nice and lined up like that?
So there you have it. Chives, spinach, beans, and pumpkin are seeds in dirt right now. At least a few days before any of those can be up, so pictures when it happens.
In the meantime, there ya' go!